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Ogbo Ossai,
Of Counsel

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Ogbo Ossai is an International Trade Attorney with over two decades of experience helping businesses navigate the complex landscape of international trade laws and compliance requirements.

Career Highlights

Ogbo’s background in civil and environmental engineering, combined with his legal education and years of experience, provides him with a unique perspective on trade-related issues.


He has guided companies in developing and implementing trade compliance programs, performing compliance audits/reviews, providing  compliance  training,  developing and managing antiboycott compliance programs, denied party screenings, licensing [including Technical Assistance Agreements (TAAs) and Manufacturing License Agreements (MLAs)], Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs), and Voluntary Self-Disclosures (VSDs).


Ogbo has also helped companies with import regulations related to on-site reviews of compliance programs, including Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs) and duty drawback programs, Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) classifications (including classification of chemicals), valuation, bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD), Importer Self-Assessment (ISA), Customs-Trade Against Terrorism (CTPAT), preparing binding ruling requests, Post Summary Corrections (PSCs), Protests, and Prior Disclosures (PDs).


He assists clients in complex regulatory trade compliance requirements; researches and prepares opinion letters on dutiability of assists and other valuation issues; and aids clients in the development and implementation of internal compliance programs, addressing export controls, “deemed” exports, economic sanctions, antiboycott issues, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) issues.


He is the Principal Attorney at Ossai Law Firm PLLC based in Ft. Worth, TX. Prior to opening his firm, Ogbo was the Associate General Counsel at an oil and gas services company; Senior Attorney, International Trade at an international trade boutique law firm; and an Associate in the International Trade Section at a major law firm.

In addition to his international trade law experience, Ogbo was a Principal Contract Specialist with a chemical company and a Contract Specialist with a major oil and gas company, where he negotiated contracts involving engineering, procurement and construction projects, and technology consulting services.



  • South Texas College of Law

Juris Doctor (J.D.) (1998)

  • University of Tennessee

Master of Science (M.S.), Environmental Engineering (1989) Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Civil Engineering (1987)

Licenses & Bar Admissions

  • State of Texas (1999)

Signature Topics

  • Export & Import Compliance

  • Sanctions & Embargoes

  • Antiboycott Compliance

  • Customs Law

  • Trade Agreements

STL’s principal offices are located in Dallas, Texas

©2025 All Rights Reserved. 

Schulz Trade Law PLLC

8333 Douglas Avenue, Suite 975

Dallas, TX 75225


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